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p   r   o   p   a   g   a   t   o   r
Refine: G-Mega-Potion
How to Get: Card blitzes or mesmerizes; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it.

j   u   m   b   o         c   a   c   t   a   u   r
Refine: Cactaur Thorn
How to Get: Card glacial eyes or wendigoes; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it.

t   r   i   -   p   o   i   n   t
Refine: Jet Engine
How to Get: Card belhelmels or toramas; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Jet engines are good, so refine it.

g   a   r   g   a   n   t   u   a
Refine: Strength Love
How to Get: Card imps or thrustaevises; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it

m   o   b   i   l   e         t   y   p   e         8
Refine: 10 Shell Stones
How to Get: Card anacondaurs or blue dragons; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it

s   p   h   i   n   x   a   r   a
Refine: G-Mega-Potion
How to Get: Card adamantoises or creeps; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it.

t   i   a   m   a   t
Refine: 10 Flare Stones
How to Get: Card grendels or hexadragons; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Flare Stones can be refined into Flare magic. Refine it!

b   g   h   2   5   1   f   2
Refine: 10 Protect Stones
How to Get: Card behemoths or grand mantises; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it.

r   e   d         g   i   a   n   t
Refine: 5 Meteor Stones
How to Get: Card forbiddens; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Meteor Stones refine into Meteor magic, so refine it.

c   a   t   o   b   l   e   p   a   s
Refine: Rename Card
How to Get: Card armadodoes or elnoyles; win in Triple Triad
Tips: Just play with it

u   l   t   i   m   a         w   e   a   p   o   n
Refine: Ultima Stone
How to Get: Card elastoises or tri-faces; win in Triple Triad against Edea
Tips: Ultima magic is great- Refine it!

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